發佈於 Apr 15, 2022

當加州居民持續應對新冠疫情所造成的影響之際,肺部健康仍如同以往般重要。無煙及無電子煙的空間,正是保護你的肺部及盡享加州所有一切的至要關鍵。無論你想探索當地社區或計劃公路冒險之旅,尋找擁有豐富餐飲、購物和娛樂體驗的無煙目的地都很容易。當你選好地點後,Visit California造訪加州網站可以幫助你規劃行程。
- Senate Bill 8 (Steve Glazer, Chapter 761, Statutes of 2019), to add Section 5008.10 to the Public Resources Code.
- Health and Safety Code Section 104495.
- Lerner CA, Sundar IK, Watson RM, et al. Environmental health hazards of e-cigarettes and their components: Oxidants and copper in e-cigarette aerosols. Environmental Pollution. 2015;198:100-107. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2014.12.033
- Belzagui F, Buscio V, Gutiérrez-Bouzán C, Vilaseca M. Cigarette butts as a microfiber source with a microplastic level of concern. Science of The Total Environment. 2021;762:144165. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144165
- Ocean Conservancy, International Coastal Cleanup. We Clean On, 2021 report. Washington, DC: Ocean Conservatory, International Coastal Cleanup; 2021.
